Oh Hey, I’m Emily Grace
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I can totally nerd out over a useful business tool, and anything that helps me organise and run my business (and make my life easier) is a must have!
About My Style
Nibh enim interdum elit, at consequat nune nibh luctus augue. Vivamus eges condin tumest massa id tincidunt. In idjut leo. Dons quam tortor, varius sit amet massa a mode eget tortor ut est accumsan congue si amet.
But what is a brand strategy you say? It is the foundation of your brand. From a carefully curated bio, a mission statement, the brand's guiding values, unique selling proposition, brand personality (playful or strong, humorous or sassy) tone of voice (how that personality comes through in your copy), target audience, content pillars and more! So why do I suggest you invest in your[...]
5 Brilliant biz Tools
August 18, 2024
During a discovery call this week, I had a client mention that she has seen all this talk about ‘telling your brand story’, but doesn’t really want to talk about her kids or the fact that she’s a mother- in fact she wanted to separate her business so that she wasn’t thought of as a ‘mum with a side hustle’ and be taken seriously within her field. And I’m here to tell yo[...]